Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Final Countdown

      Well, it has begun.  We have started counting down the days until we will have to say goodbye to Budapest.  As of now, I have 25 days left. It's time to start my own kind of advent calendar.  While I'll be sad to say goodbye to this amazing experience,  I'm so incredibly excited to see all of the important people in my life again.  I've missed you all so much!

Park in Krakow Poland.

     Now, I know that I have been M.I.A. for the past two months; my blog kind of took the back burner to the nth degree.  However, for the past three weeks I have been trying to overcome my shame and finally re-enter the blogging world.  My mom even said my boyfriend is kicking my butt at blogging. I couldn't accept that! That pretty much equals the worst possible insult--completely unacceptable :).   Well enough is enough! Really, this is just a long winded way of saying I'm sorry for disappearing and during my last month here I am going to try to update as much as I can.

      Since I am done traveling and the remainder of my time will be spent in Budapest, I also will try to post about my trips that I have taken during the semester in the mist of what is currently going on in Budapest.  Just to give you a sneak peek, since september I have traveled to Bosnia; Croatia; Vienna, Austria;  Romania; Venice, Milan, Cinque Terre, and Rome, Italy; Paris, France; and Poland (where these photos were taken). Wow, even writing that amazes me.  I am incredibly blessed.

Jewish Quarter; Krakow, Poland

Because I'm going to be writing about everything out of order, I just wanted to write a quick entry explaining everything before I lost my nerve and all hope of ever resurfacing my blog.  Hopefully I'll soon be posting up a storm!

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